Former LCWR President’s Dynamic Speech May Change Pope’s Mind On Female Ordination
October 8, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized
PHOTO: Lisa Johnston ROME––Former President of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Pat Ferrell, delivered an electrifying speech yesterday to Pope Benedict XVI and top Church officials regarding the necessity of female priests. Many Vatican analysts now believe the speech will be the catalyst to female ordination. “It was one of the most insightful…one of the most profound talks since John Paul II gave the address that helped... Read More
Nuns On Bus Scour Ohio In Search of Misplaced Veils
October 4, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized
OHIO––A group of Catholic nuns began a 1,000 mile bus tour through Ohio this week asking locals whether or not they have seen their veils. The group of about 20 nuns departed Cincinnati early Wednesday morning after every single one of them realized that they had not seen their veils in over four decades. The youngest of the group, Sister Mary Fleischer, 79, told Eye of the Tiber that losing things had become all too familiar for the group lately,... Read More
Black Sheep Dog, John Corapi, Issues Apology
October 3, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized
Hudson, NY––Former S.O.L.T. priest, John Corapi, has apologized today for what he called a “negligent and insensitive decision.” On June 7th, 2011, Corapi appeared on a video titled, The Black Sheep Dog, announcing that he would be resigning from the priesthood after allegations came out that he had been involved in an improper relationship with a former employee. In his newest video put out today titled, The African-American Sheep Dog, Corapi... Read More
Obama Invited To Say Mass At Notre Dame
October 1, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized
Southbend, IN––Three years after Notre Dame invited Barack Obama to deliver the commencement speech to its graduating class, the university has now reportedly invited him to say Mass at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. “We’d like to let our students and their parents know that we would never compromise our faith tradition,” Notre Dame President, Reverend John Jenkins, said Friday, “It is a simple show of Christian unity.”... Read More