Pope Francis Confirms Doctrine Of The Resurrection Will Last “Forever”

Paul Haring/Catholic News Service. The Church’s belief that Jesus rose from the dead will stand forever, Pope Francis said Tuesday. The 79-year-old pontiff made the declaration in response to a reporter who asked whether he thought the Church would always insist that Jesus actually rose from the dead. “St. Pope John Paul II had the last clear word on this and it stands,” Francis said during a news conference aboard the papal plane. The... Read More
PETA Protesters Throw Paint On Francis For Wearing Lamb

PHOTO: OSSERVATORE ROMANO/REUTERS Gatecrashing St. Peter’s Square this morning where Pope Francis was seen wearing a live lamb across his shoulders, protesters from the animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) threw paint and blood on the Pontiff in an attempt to raise awareness and deter attendees from wearing animal. “There’s nothing fashionable about fur torn from the bodies of struggling animals,” said... Read More
EWTN Officially Endorses Trump For The Papacy

Image: Gage Skidmore Just a day before EWTN plans to air an exclusive interview with Presidential candidate Donald Trump, the company’s board of directors and CEO announced that the media outlet was officially endorsing the presidential candidate for the papacy. The is the first time in the network’s 35-year history that company heads officially endorsed someone for the pontificate. Known for its often daring, cutting-edge, and addictive television... Read More
Jack Chick Having Heated Debate With Saint Peter At Pearly Gates
October 25, 2016 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

Image:Brendan Riley Evangelical cartoonist Jack Chick whose tracts spread biblical messages to the pagan world, as well as notified a billion Roman Catholics that they were all going to suffer eternal damnation, peacefully died Sunday at the age of 92. According to an anonymous saint within the Pearly Gates, Chick, now three days deceased, is in a heated debate about the existence of Purgatory with Saint Peter. “Ah, you get one of these guys in... Read More
WikiLeaks Emails Reveal Clinton Campaign Responsible For Founding Of Jesuits

Image:Gage Skidmore A new series of emails released yesterday by WikiLeaks connected to its dump of John Podesta’s server show that ancestors to presidential nominee Hillary Clinton attempted to sabotage the Catholic Church by creating the Society of Jesus hundreds of years prior to her nomination. The emails in question discuss Clinton’s and Podesta’s lineage back to the 1540’s when family ancestors schemed to undermine the Church... Read More