First Lady Melania Trump Swats Away President’s Hand During Our Father

Image_Dodo For the second time in just a few days, first lady Melania Trump was seen avoiding holding hands with her husband Donald Trump, this time at the Vatican during the recitation of the Our Father. Just days after she was caught swatting President Trump’s hand away in Israel, Melania was again seen swatting away her husband’s hand, this time in front of the Pope. “Awwwkward,” said Pope Francis. Adding insult to injury,... Read More
Parishioners Pick Churchy McChurchy Face As Name Of New Parish
May 22, 2017 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

Image: Andrew Hermiz Parishioners are embracing a bishop’s call, allowing them to choose the name of a new Catholic church in their diocese. With the final round of online voting set to close Friday, Churchy McChurchy Face has more than twice the votes of any other potential name. As of Monday, Churchy McChurchy Face leads the pack of suggestions with nearly 17,000 votes, well ahead of Our Lady of Medjugorje Catholic Church and Trump... Read More
Loser Still Using Last Year’s Rosary Model
May 18, 2017 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

43-year-old Arnold Corea told friends last night that, though he was shamefully still using last year’s rosary model, he planned to upgrade this fall when the new Rosary Pro 7 was released. “The thing is is that I’m still under contract with my rosary, and though it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles the newer model has, it still does the job,” he said, going on to defend himself saying that his older model still gets him from “A... Read More
Homeschool Mom Convinced Son Has Vocation to Papacy
May 11, 2017 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

Image:Vitold Muratov Local homeschool mom Candice Sheehy announced to friends early this morning that she believed that her son Thomas may have a calling to the papacy, friends reported last night. the 42-year-old mother of nine told friends that, though she believed all of her children were either being called to the religious life or martyrdom, Thomas stood out in a different way. “All nine of my kids obviously pray the rosary three times... Read More
Outrage After Catholic University Accidentally Hires Practicing Catholic To Head Department Of Theology
May 8, 2017 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

Image:-Walleigh A Catholic university is under fire this week after school administrators accidentally hired 37-year-old Todd Alguire, a practicing Catholic, to head their Department of Theology. Diocesan bishop Kevin Sterling has now demanded an investigation into the ‘offensive’ hiring after rumors spread that students would need to “brush up on the fundamentals of the Catholic faith” before beginning this upcoming semester. Ryan Gurley,... Read More