Prince Harry Nervous About Telling New Bride He’s Actually Sixth In Line To Having His Own Church

Image: ThomasToti Nervously rubbing his hands on the eve of his wedding, an anxious Prince Henry “Harry” of Wales told EOTT that he was still scared about how his fiancé would take the news when she found out that her soon-to-be-husband lied to her and was actually sixth in line to having his own church, as opposed to fifth as he told her early on in their relationship. “I’m freaking nervous as bloody hell,” Prince Harry said, stating... Read More
Outraged Critics of Pope Francis Demand He Answer “Laurel/Yanny” Dubia
May 17, 2018 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

Pope Francis’ exhortation on the Laurel/Yanny debate, in which he appears to open the possibility of communion for people no matter whether they hear the word “Laurel” or “Yanny” has outraged many of his critics. Four cardinals have now issued an open letter to Pope Francis calling for him to respond to their dubia over his decision, which they say goes against what they hear in the audio recording. The audio clip, which was posted on... Read More
Mark Shea Bans Self From Facebook Page
May 15, 2018 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

After hours of banning people from his personal Facebook page, well-known Catholic author and blogger Mark Shea has reportedly banned himself from his own page. “I think we’ve all had enough of his ultra-conservative, communist, pro-life, liberal, pro-abortion, hyper-Catholic, godless, split personality ways,” Shea wrote in a recent blog condemning himself. The decision to ban himself comes on the heels of Shea officially banning... Read More
Report: New Evidence Shows Lazarus Fell Off Donkey, Died Just Hours After Being Brought Back To Life

A bible found in Turkey earlier this month has stunned the Christian world after researchers say that the work’s author documents that just a few hours after Lazarus was raised from the grave, he fell off his donkey and died a short time later. What is being called The Gospel of Craig (after its author and former friend of Lazarus) claims that Lazarus “did not live many more hours after, but rather, fell to the earth from off his ass and thus... Read More
Francis Pulls Vatican Out Of The “Columbia House 8 CDs For A Penny” Deal

Pope Francis announced Tuesday that he will withdraw the Vatican from the Columbia House 8 CDs For A Penny Deal, breaking with European churches, and fulfilling a major conclave campaign promise. “Today’s action sends a message that the Vatican no longer makes empty threats,” a boastful Francis told the press, going on to attack his predecessor Benedict XVI. “Signing up the Vatican for this was horrible, one-sided deal that should have never, ever... Read More