Catholic Answers Begins Promoting Alyssa Milano’s New Chastity Talk
May 13, 2019 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

Catholic Answers announced this past Saturday that they will begin promoting their new lineup of chastity speakers, including Alyssa Milano, in an effort to help educate “as broad an audience as possible” about the beauty of chastity.
“At first we thought that bringing Alyssa Milano on as a chastity speaker was a bold move,” Events Representative Cassidy McDougal told EOTT this morning. “We understood coming in that her call for women to withhold themselves sexually from men was not for the same reason that we were asking them to do so, but in the end, we believed that she was dense enough to never realize that she was asking people to be chaste.”
Milano, who plans to travel the country talking to high school and college students about abstinence said that chastity cards, as well as her new booklet Pure Bodily Autonomy, would be on sale at the events.
“I’m very excited to speak with the women in America,” Milano said in an exclusive EOTT interview. “I want to tell the young women of America that our reproductive rights are being erased. Don’t let so-called friends or celebrities tell you what you should and should not do with your bodies. With that said, sex strike!”