Baptist Church Removes Bibles From Place Of Worship For Being “Too Catholic”
May 31, 2018 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life
Congregants of a Baptist church in South Carolina yesterday unanimously voted to remove all bibles from their church because many believe it’s too “Catholic” for their place of worship. In a letter written to his congregation, Pastor Don Ringle said the bibles would be removed this week. “We have discovered that there are people that view the bible as Catholic in nature,” Ringle wrote, going on to say that the bible was beginning... Read More
LeBron James Becomes Priest; Carries Catholic Church On Back
May 29, 2018 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life
Image: Andrew Hermiz Just days after carrying the Cleveland Cavaliers to yet another NBA finals, LeBron James announced that he would be joining the priesthood so as to help carry the Catholic Church on his back. James, who converted to Catholicism the morning after the big win versus the Boston Celtics, was confirmed and ordained a priest, telling those in the congregation that he felt that it was time to leave the Cavs and to “take his talents... Read More
Parishioner Who Makes 350K A Year Anonymously Slips $20 Bill Into Donation Envelope With A Little Wink To Heaven
May 22, 2018 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life
According to several reports from Heaven, well-to-do parishioner Herbert Edward Kingsley III took out a crisp $20 bill from his bill fold last Sunday, before secretly placing it into the donation basket. One saint that saw Kingsley’s Godlike humility was longtime saint Thomas Aquinas who said that all that he had seen in Heaven now seemed like straw compared to that which he had witnessed early Sunday morning on earth. “Truly remarkable,”... Read More
Pope Francis Tells Total Prick: “God Loves You, But The Rest Of Us Think You’re An Ass”
A prick, who has been a complete and utter bastard to friends and strangers alike, said Pope Francis recently told him that he being an ass “doesn’t matter” and that “God made you like this.” Pablo Santiago Iglesias, who met with the pope last month, told EOTT about the conversation early this morning in an exclusive interview. “Pablo, that you are a total ass doesn’t matter,” Iglesias said Francis told him. “God... Read More
Prince Harry Nervous About Telling New Bride He’s Actually Sixth In Line To Having His Own Church
Image: ThomasToti Nervously rubbing his hands on the eve of his wedding, an anxious Prince Henry “Harry” of Wales told EOTT that he was still scared about how his fiancé would take the news when she found out that her soon-to-be-husband lied to her and was actually sixth in line to having his own church, as opposed to fifth as he told her early on in their relationship. “I’m freaking nervous as bloody hell,” Prince Harry said, stating... Read More