Catholic Church Says No To Gluten-Free Catholics Entering Heaven
July 13, 2017 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life
Image: Paterm [News Brief] A new letter to Catholic bishops this week from the Vatican has sparked outrage from gluten-free Catholics who learned that they cannot attain salvation no matter how holy they are. The announcement drew criticism from many in the Church, though the letter simply reaffirmed a centuries-old teaching stating that gluten-free Catholics are not in full communion with the Church, and are therefore cut off from the saving grace... Read More
Catholic Mom Confident That Nice, Pretty Girl Who Sits Behind Her At Mass Would Be Perfect For Her Deadbeat Son
July 11, 2017 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life
The mother of local deadbeat Anthony Green confirmed to friends and family today that the sweet, pretty girl that sits behind her at Mass on Sundays would be “just perfect” for her son. Tamara Green, mother of four, excitedly told those gathered at their weekly bingo night that the “adorable thing” is just what her son needed to get his life on track. “When I first saw her, I definitely thought she could be the one I’ve been... Read More
Catechism Student Loan Debt Reaches $1.8 Hundred Nationwide
July 6, 2017 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life
Total catechism student loan debt in the U.S. has officially topped $1.8 hundred dollars. In March, the Francis administration announced a series of changes to the Free Application For Federal Catechism Aid (FAFCA), the form for prospective catechists applying for church financial aid. This measure was taken in the hopes of making the burden of learning the fundamentals of Catholicism more manageable. EOTT has found in a recent study that cradle... Read More