Bishop Reassigns Diocese’s Only Fundamentally Solid Priest To Parish Of 300 People
May 7, 2015 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

Just months after igniting a firestorm for preaching Catholic doctrine from the pulpit, local priest Fr. Keith Crowell was reassigned to the diocese’s smallest parish “out in the sticks,” a source from the diocese is reporting. It was three months ago when Crowell was caught on video denying that the miracle of the loaves and fishes ought to be attributed to the multitudes after they shared the little food the apostles had to distribute, as opposed... Read More
Nominal Catholic Parents Just Going To Kick Back And Let Son’s Religious Ed Teacher Do All The Work
May 4, 2015 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

Declaring that they didn’t have the knowledge or will to properly catechize their son, local nominal Catholic parents Bert and Donna Tomlinson told the press today that they were officially leaving their son’s eternal salvation in the hands of his catechism teacher. “Yes, as a Religious Ed teacher, one of my duties is to make sure that my students learn about the things most parents don’t have time for, like Jesus and salvation.” Anthony Spalding... Read More