Ambitious Woman Chooses To Read “Verse In One Year Bible” As New Year’s Resolution

December 26, 2013 by  
Filed under Parish Life


Charlotte, NC––After having failed to finish her One Year Bible for the third consecutive year in a row, Debbie Scholes of Charlotte, North Carolina committed herself yesterday to reading an entire verse from the Bible as her New Year’s resolution, sources confirmed. “She’s tried for years to read the entire Bible in a year, but she always just starts losing momentum about a week or so in,” the source told reporters. “Luckily the publishers of the One Year Bible, I guess realizing that it might be too lofty a goal for some Catholics to read the entire Bible, decided on publishing a One Verse Bible reading plan, which I got for Deb this Christmas.” The source went on to say that the new Bible has a few options of verses to choose from depending on how driven the reader is. St. Claire Press, publisher of the new Bible verse reading plan tolt EOTT today that the reader could choose from a dozen bible verses to read, including the popular John 3:16, as well as the shortest verse in scripture, “Jesus wept” from John 11:35. “We realized that a Catholic had to be extremely committed to complete a one year Bible reading plan. So we decided to go with a verse. Sure, it’ll still be tough for many, but we believe we have a good system to help readers progress in their desire to read a single syllable of the bible every day. If you choose “Jesus wept,” for instance, we start you with the letter “J” on the first day, asking you to meditate as you sound out the letter. The next day we add an “E.” And on the next day the reader goes back to “J” to refresh his memory. After that we combine the two letters so that they’re now sounding out “Je.” This really helps motivate the reader, showing them that they’re actually making progress.”