First Ever “World Geriatric Day” To Take Place In Boca Raton
August 11, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

Pope Francis announced this morning that the location of the first ever World Geriatric Day will take place in Boca Raton, Florida next year. Just days before his arrival in Krakow, Francis told reporters that “These kids already got the idea,” and went on to express his desire to reach their grandparents, which comes as welcomed news for many elderly Catholics who have felt marginalized... Read More
One Million Youth Visit Rio To See Pope On Large Screen
July 27, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Mass, Uncategorized

Rio de Janerio, Brazil––Media sources confirm that nearly one million Catholic young people from nearly every country in the world put aside their lives and traveled to Brazil to catch a glimpse of the Holy Father Pope Francis projected onto one of the large screens set up for the papal Mass culminating the World Youth Day celebrations. “The faithfulness and energy of the youth of the... Read More
“I Told Him Left…Make A Freaking Left,” Pope Vents To Youth
July 23, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Uncategorized, Vatican

Rio de Janeiro––Just a day after his driver made a wrong turn down a busy street in Rio de Janeiro, a visibly irritated Pope Francis vented to close to a million youth gathered for World Youth Day. “If I told him once, I told him twenty times, ‘drive…away…from…the…mob…of…people,'” the Pope said to those who had gathered with the anticipation... Read More
Pope Michael I Announces Location Of Upcoming World Youth Day
December 20, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized

Pope Michael I interviewed by reporters after the World Youth Day announcement Belvue, KS–Conclavist claimant to the papacy David Bawden, better known as Pope Michael I, announced today in his Wednesday general audience to his mother and four individuals who happened to be walking by, that next year’s World Youth Day would be held at his next door neighbor’s backyard. “I... Read More