Pelosi On Virgin Sacrifices During Satanic Masses: “This Is Sacred Ground To Me As Well”
June 23, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

Washington, DC––Members of the pro-life movement have denounced House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi after remarks that she, as a Catholic, viewed the protection of the sacrifice of virgins during Black Masses as sacred ground. “As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this,” Pelosi said in a statement last week, going on to say... Read More
[Breaking] Biden Steps Down As VP Hours After Becoming Pro-Life
March 19, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

Former Vice President Joe Biden attending Pope Francis’ Installation Mass. Washington, DC––Vice President Joe Biden announced today that he was stepping down as Vice President just hours after an altercation on the phone between Biden and President Obama regarding the sanctity of life. This comes on the heels of Biden’s visit with with Pope Francis after the conclusion of the pope’s Installation Mass,... Read More