Iraqi Christian Who Risks Life To Attend Mass Not Super Concerned About Bad Church Music Right Now

Tel Keppe, Iraq–As Iraqi Christian Raghda Ablahad and three other family members risked their lives to attend Sunday Mass in Tel Keppe, Iraq, this week, Ablahad reported to family members that Catholics around the world were, at that very moment, “no joke,” complaining about female altar servers, as well as the music at Mass. Ablahad told family members that, though she,... Read More
Mosul Muslims Delight Christian Neighbors with “One-Eyed Willy” Smiley Faces

Mosul, IRAQ––The Western Media is reporting a growing new trend in Iraq’s ancient city of Mosul, showing the comradery between its Muslim and Christian inhabitants: a playful bit of graffiti spray-painted on a growing number of Christian homes. “The symbol clearly represents the character of One-Eyed Willy, the legendary pirate whose treasure is sought by the charming rascals we know as... Read More