Pope Francis Awaiting Final Approval Of Internet Troll Before Promulgating Encyclical
May 29, 2014 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

VATICAN–Vatican sources are confirming that Pope Francis has nearly completed his new Encyclical Letter, and is awaiting the final approval of Reginald Edwards, an internet troll commonly known as “PiusXIIRoxII.” Edwards, who has read several paragraphs of the Catechism, three books by Peter Kreeft, and half of St. John Paul II’s “Fides et Ratio,” is... Read More
USCCB To Publish Compendium Of The Compendium Of The Catechism For College Students
November 14, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized
Washington, DC––It was announced today that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will be coming out with their highly anticipated Compendium of the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for College Students this May. The abridged version of the compendium will attempt to lessen the page count from 200 pages to a more manageable 20 pages. Other highlights of the... Read More