Catholic Dimwit Didn’t Even Know Wednesday Ashes Come From Cremated Pets
February 17, 2015 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

Local Catholic dimwit Elton Price admitted to friends today that he had absolutely no clue that ashes used during Ash Wednesday Masses came from cremated pets. The parish ignoramus, who up until last week didn’t even know that Catholics worship Mary, thought that ashes actually came from branches used in the prior year’s Palm Sunday services, one friends reported to EOTT. “Elton has never... Read More
Area Catholic Preparing To Be Notified About Dirt On Forehead All Day Long
February 13, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Mass, Uncategorized

Watertown, MN––While receiving ashes on his forehead at St. Ignatius Catholic Church in Watertown, Minnesota early this morning, area Catholic Trevor Davis fervently prayed for patience to endure what he expected to be a “long day filled with well-intentioned, yet obnoxious remarks” about the dirt on his forehead. “Look, here’s the deal,” he reportedly told... Read More