Trump Announces He Has Possession Of Fourth Secret Of Fatima; Claims The Other Secrets Were Fake News

Fátima_José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced today that the Trump administration has obtained the Fourth Secret of Fatima, which reportedly details the fake news contained in all of the other secrets of Fatima. “According to President Trump, at around noon today, the Virgin Mary entrusted him with the secret,” Spicer told EOTT. “The President wrote the secret down and sealed it in the envelope I am... Read More
Parish Council Grills Catechumen Nominee At Confirmation Mass

Image: Joe Ravi Catechumen nominee Neil Schlesing said that “no man is above canon law” when pressed on whether Pope Francis could allow divorced and remarried Catholics to receive communion. It was one of several exchanges Tuesday as Schlesing mostly deflected council members’ efforts to get him to reveal his views on the death penalty, global warming, and other controversial issues inside the Catholic Church. As the grueling day of questioning wore... Read More
Pope Francis Accuses Benedict XVI Of Wiretapping His Confessional

The Vatican has refused to say whether an apology was in the works after eavesdropping allegations were made by Francis last week against his predecessor. Pope Francis’ claim that his confessional was wiretapped by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has yet to be supported by evidence, but the Pontiff isn’t ready to apologize for the accusation just yet. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Director of the Holy See Press Office Greg Burke told reporters... Read More
Vatican Pressured To Declare Milo Yiannopoulos Confessor And White Martyr

Image:Official Leweb Photos Several high ranking officials of the Bannonite Catholic Church today asked Pope Francis to declare former senior editor for Breitbart Milo Yiannopoulos Confessor And White Martyr. “Don’t get me wrong, I still think gays are really gross and when they’re just regular, chaste ones faithful to the Church, I’m still quite happy to treat them as the creepy filth that they are,” said one... Read More
Congregation For Divine Worship Rules Against FSSP Novus Ordo Ban

Image: Staselnik A Congregation for Divine Worship panel has unanimously ruled against Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) Superior General Reverend John Berg’s controversial Novus Ordo ban, which would have stripped the right of every priest from saying a Mass that was not in the traditional Latin form. The three judges from the Congregation For Divine Worship 9th circuit court rejected the traditionalist community’s argument that suspension of... Read More