Protestants Object To Removal Of Statues For Once

Protestants gathered Thursday to express sadness and dismay over the potential destruction of Catholic statues from several locations across the country. “It’s sad to see the history and culture being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments,” pastor of The Tsunami Church in Greensboro, North Carolina Ted Roberts said this morning as he defaced a statue of St. Junipero Serra. “These men were bad, I... Read More
White Supremacist Catholic Really Hoping That Heaven Is Segregated

Cradle Catholic and longtime white supremacist Jacob Baton told those gathered at a local rally Monday that he was really hoping, though pretty darn sure, that heaven was segregated. The 43-year-old father of five said that the thought came to him as he was in line to receive communion yesterday. “I was thinking about how if logic prevails, as well as justice, races would have to be segregated in heaven. I mean, I’m not saying that I don’t... Read More
Prolife Judge Deports Pregnant Illegal Immigrant; Allows Fetus To Stay

Prolife judge Anthony Gabel ordered Fairuz Naoum, a pregnant illegal immigrant, to be deported back to Iraq last week, just moments before giving her unborn baby permission to stay in the United States. Gabel told EOTT this morning that 27-year-old Naoum, a Christian living in Dearborn, Michigan, would have to leave the country immediately, though her deportation back to her native Iraq meant a possible death sentence. “I understand the gravity... Read More
Montana Bishop Candidate Allegedly Body Slams Catholic News Agency Reporter

Bodyslam-Hugo Fernandes Just days after rumors emerged that Montana priest Fr. Gregory Forte could be made a bishop, reports that he apparently attacked a Catholic News Agency reporter the night before the pope made his final decision has thrown the diocese into turmoil. Political reporter for Catholic News Agency Mary Rezac claimed late Wednesday night that while asking Forte a question regarding how silly altar girls look when they wear high heels,... Read More
First Lady Melania Trump Swats Away President’s Hand During Our Father

Image_Dodo For the second time in just a few days, first lady Melania Trump was seen avoiding holding hands with her husband Donald Trump, this time at the Vatican during the recitation of the Our Father. Just days after she was caught swatting President Trump’s hand away in Israel, Melania was again seen swatting away her husband’s hand, this time in front of the Pope. “Awwwkward,” said Pope Francis. Adding insult to injury,... Read More