Italian Doctor Prescribes Israel, Palestine High Dose Of Chill Pill
December 6, 2012 by Admin
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ROME––At the request of Pope Benedict XVI, Rome’s foremost family counselor Dr. Umberto Navarro announced today that he has sat down with Israel and Palestine to try to encourage the volitile couple to peacefully work out their issues. “I sat down with the couple for an hour long counseling session and it quickly became apparent that the relationship is not only insecure, but emotionally unstable,” Navarro said. He went... Read More
Area Catholic Offended by the Phrase “Merry Christmas”
December 3, 2012 by Admin
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New York, NY––Local Catholic and Liturgical stickler Gerry Brownstone was offended earlier today when leaving his local Food-Mart, after the greeter wished him a “Merry Christmas.” “Who does that guy think he is, saying that to me?” Brownstone said. “Advent has barely begun. The Liturgical Calendar has a Christmas season, you ignoramus, and it begins after the Feast of the Nativity, not a month before.” A visibly... Read More
Christian Groups Protest to “Keep the Christ in X-Men”
December 1, 2012 by Admin
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Devout Christian Marvel Comic enthusiasts protest to keep Christ in X-Men Photo: Gage Skidmore Shelby, MI–Decrying the recent secularization of the comic book industry, Christian groups across the nation are joining forces to defend traditional values in the “War on X-Men.” “First the God-given charisms of the X-Men are explained by a bogus evolutionary theory of ‘mutation,’ now Christ... Read More
As Israel And Palestine Brace For War, Vatican Set To March On Jerusalem
November 17, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

TEL AVIV––After days of Israeli bombings in and around Gaza, Hamas has retaliated with a rocket that killed three just north of the Gaza Strip, bringing the death toll up to 19. As the conflict in the fragile region continues to escalate, some believe that the Vatican’s decision to send 100 Swiss Guards to march and retake Jerusalem a mistake. “I guess I’m just kinda confused,” Chief of General Staff for the Israeli Army Rav... Read More
Atheists Sue To Remove Letters “G”, “O”, And “D” From Alphabet
November 12, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

The civil liberties organization American Atheists has sued the U.S. government to remove the letters “G,” “O,” and “D” from the English alphabet, arguing that the letters “often come together in such an order as to promote a belief in God,” director of public relations Ronald Kegin said Friday. “The letters represent a violation of rights to many atheists around the country, in that the letters... Read More