Pelosi On Virgin Sacrifices During Satanic Masses: “This Is Sacred Ground To Me As Well”
June 23, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

Washington, DC––Members of the pro-life movement have denounced House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi after remarks that she, as a Catholic, viewed the protection of the sacrifice of virgins during Black Masses as sacred ground. “As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this,” Pelosi said in a statement last week, going on to say that the subject of sacrificing the life of a worthy virgin... Read More
Bombing Of St. Augustine High School Traced To Manicheans
May 2, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

Nashville, TN–Police officials reported that their investigation following last week’s tragic bombing of St. Augustine Academy for Boys has led them to three possible suspects, members of an underground Manichean ring of terrorists in the Nashville area. “After the bombing, in which 6 boys and 1 Augustinian priest were injured,” said the Commissioner, “there was a flood of speculation about who would have the heart to commit... Read More
Media Ignores Murder Trial of Abortionist who Severed Spines of Infants 19 Years After Their Birth
April 14, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

Dr. Kermit Gosnell Minneapolis, MN–The mainstream media is largely ignoring what may turn out to be an historic murder trial. Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortion doctor working outside of Minneapolis, is on trial for murder for dozens of botched abortions in which the infant were born, lived until after their nineteenth birthday, and then were aborted. A former patient of Gosnell’s, who asked to remain anonymous, told Eye of the Tiber her story:... Read More
Tensions Escalate As North Korea Threatens To Deploy LCWR Nuns On West

Defense Secretary James Mattis is calling North Korea’s threat to use LCWR nuns strapped to long-range missiles a “provocative action” and a “growing threat” to the U.S. and its allies. In a telephone call to EOTT Tuesday evening, Mattis cited North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles as “nothing compared to the threat of one more nun from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious successfully... Read More
Berkeley Sophomore Anxiously Considering Coming Out Of Closet To Reveal He’s Opposed To Gay Marriage
March 24, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

Berkley, CA–University of California, Berkeley student Emanuel Ramsey revealed to Eye of the Tiber today that he was extremely nervous about possibly coming out of the closet to friends and fellow classmates about his opposition to gay marriage. The 20-year-old sophomore reported that he always felt like something was different about himself, saying that he first felt the “burning desire” to stand up against gay marriage when he... Read More