World Somehow Shocked After Sting Operation Reveals Corporation Widely Known For Murdering Helpless Babies Involved In Unethical Practices

Days after a sting operation caught on video showed a top Planned Parenthood official casually discussing the shipment of aborted fetus body parts to research labs around the country, many in the world are still somehow shocked that a corporation that makes hundreds of millions of dollars for dismembering helpless babies and scaring vulnerable girls has been involved in unethical practices. “Well I think there’s been a kind of misrepresentation... Read More
Trump Reportedly No Longer Considering Pope Francis As Running Mate

Close to a week after presidential nominee Donald Trump called Mexicans “rapists” and “disease carriers,” the 69-year-old business mogul has now decided not to ask Pope Francis to run as his vice presidential nominee after learning that the Pontiff speaks Spanish. “Mr. Trump has decided that, though the Pope is not Mexican, he still represents a threat to the U.S. because Argentina and Mexico are practically the same thing, if you know what I’m... Read More
Supreme Court Demands Apology From God For Sodom And Gomorrah

Just hours after ruling that all Americans, no matter their sexual orientation, can now legally marry the people they love, the U.S. Supreme Court went forward with plans to demand that God apologize and make amends for His actions at Sodom and Gomorrah. Many are calling the decision to hold God liable for the destruction of the impenitent cities as a victory for gay rights activists who have fought for centuries to see God brought to justice. The justices... Read More
Blogger Who Wrote Scathing Post On ‘Laudato Si’ Considering Reading Encyclical For Himself

Catholic blogger Dermot McHenry, who wrote a scornful attack on Laudato Si yesterday, reported this morning that he was now about ready to consider actually reading the encyclical for himself. “The thing is like 180 pages long or something like that,” McHenry told EOTT. “And since I’m not a big fan of Francis or the whole global warming thing, or reading long posts, I thought the best thing to do was to simply read what other commentators were... Read More
New ‘Laudato Si’ Encyclical Proof Francis Hates People

In his highly anticipated encyclical on the environment, Pope Francis offered harsh criticism of the global economy, condemning it for pillaging the Earth’s resources at the expense of the poor. In the encyclical, the Holy Father zealously attributes global warming to people, saying “The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth. And that, my friends, is because of the pile of filth living and breathing on it.’” The... Read More