Anti-Francis Protests Continue Over The Closing Of The Year Of Mercy

Image: jonathan-mcintosh Protesters hit the streets today over the closing of the Year of Mercy, marking the second day of demonstrations in cities such as St. Louis, Denver, and San Diego. In Virginia, a group of Catholics gathered to demonstrate against Francis’ anti-traditionalist rhetoric. “The main purpose is to tell Pope Francis that he can’t just end the Year of Mercy,” said protester, Augustine Parks. “There are millions... Read More
U.S. Bishops Meet In Baltimore To Discuss Churches Providing Safe Spaces From Hostile Catholic Teachings

Image: nfutvol The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops met in Baltimore yesterday to discuss churches in the United States providing “safe spaces” from hostile Catholic teachings, such as abortion and same-sex marriage. Bishops at the assembly said that serving Catholics that are emotionally distraught by certain Church teachings is “part of our identity as Catholics,’’ and pledged to provide safe spaces in every church in America. ‘‘We stand... Read More
Trump Overturns Roe v. Wade

Image: Gage Skidmore Just a day after Donald Trump shocked the world by defeating Hillary Clinton in a bitterly contested presidential race, the 70-year-old president-elect announced today that he has already overturned Roe v. Wade, as most Christians had expected him to do. “I pledged to every Christian in our land that I would make America great again, and that the Church would no longer have its rights trampled on,” Trump told Catholic supporters... Read More
Satanists Sue Fr. Frank Pavone For Copyright Infringement

Officials at the Satanic organization Blaspheme Inc. announced today that they are suing Father Frank Pavone for copyright infringement after the pro-life advocate placed the remains of an aborted baby on an altar, thereby infringing upon the exclusive rights of the organization. “We patented the whole ‘offering a dead child on the altar and invoking the name of an enemy of Jesus as savior’ thing years ago,” Satanist High Priest Horace... Read More
PETA Protesters Throw Paint On Francis For Wearing Lamb

PHOTO: OSSERVATORE ROMANO/REUTERS Gatecrashing St. Peter’s Square this morning where Pope Francis was seen wearing a live lamb across his shoulders, protesters from the animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) threw paint and blood on the Pontiff in an attempt to raise awareness and deter attendees from wearing animal. “There’s nothing fashionable about fur torn from the bodies of struggling animals,” said... Read More