World’s Foremost Liturginazi Dies
July 26, 2019 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized

The world’s foremost liturginazi died peacefully this past week at his home in Kansas City. Originally from Cody, Wyoming, Gerard Schmitz moved to Kansas City to pursue his passion for liturgical criticism. Schmitz was the founding member of the Phineas Society for Liturgical Purity, an international organization that tracks and ranks liturgical corrections, and was credited with 39,587 liturgical corrections over his lifetime, an astounding... Read More
Man Expelled from Charismatic Prayer Group After Speaking Real Language
July 10, 2019 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

A man was kicked out of St. Robert Catholic Church’s Wednesday evening Charismatic Prayer group after he began to speak a real foreign language during a “prayer session.” Jonathan Spencer, 43, had recently begun attending the group’s weekly prayer meetings, but will not be returning anytime soon. “We were all together there in the room,” said Spencer. “Some people were jumping around, others were clicking and making all sorts of... Read More
Catholic Answers Begins Promoting Alyssa Milano’s New Chastity Talk
May 13, 2019 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

Catholic Answers announced this past Saturday that they will begin promoting their new lineup of chastity speakers, including Alyssa Milano, in an effort to help educate “as broad an audience as possible” about the beauty of chastity. “At first we thought that bringing Alyssa Milano on as a chastity speaker was a bold move,” Events Representative Cassidy McDougal told EOTT this morning. “We understood coming in that her call for women... Read More
New Cirque Du Soleil Show Just A Novus Ordo Mass
April 22, 2019 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

Staring in awe as she stared out onto the stage, Las Vegas visitor Allison Garrity was moved to tears Saturday evening after seeing whimsical, beautiful, yet somehow haunting performance of Cirque Du Soleil’s newest show, La Messe. My husband and I couldn’t take our eyes off the stage,” Garrity told EOTT, adding that the La Messe show stood out in how closely it resembled the Novis Ordo they attended at home. “They writers of the show nailed everything.... Read More
Cardinal Kasper Says Bible Spreads ‘Confusion’ And ‘Division’
February 12, 2019 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

Just days after Cardinal Müller published a “Manifesto of Faith,” which reiterated fundamental Catholic teachings in response to what he sees as growing confusion about the doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Kasper has accused him of making “unacceptable blanket statements.” Kasper said that Müller’s Manifesto, that simply reaffirmed basic Catholic teaching found in the Bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church, was an attack on Pope... Read More