Insufferable Little Prick Online Trying To Get People To Use The Word ‘Godincidence’
July 22, 2019 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life, Uncategorized

In an effort to convince more of his “fellow Christians” of the fact that there is no such thing as coincidence late last week, local insufferable man Alex Duggan has reportedly begun a campaign to get more Christians to use the word “Godincidence.” “There is no such thing as coincidence,” the little prick told people on several blog threads, going on to explain how everything had a purpose, either created or allowed by God. “When... Read More
Vatican Opens Cause Of Canonization For Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg After Mistakenly Believing Her Dead And Incorrupt
July 10, 2019 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

Much to its embarrassment, it was discovered this week that the Congregation for the Causes of Saints had an open file on United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. An EOTT investigation revealed that Justice Ginsburg’s cause was opened after an undersecretary of the Congregation, Msgr. Nicola Tarducci, became convinced that Justice Ginsburg was incorrupt. This past November, Msgr. Tarducci saw a picture of Justice Ginsburg taken... Read More
Man Expelled from Charismatic Prayer Group After Speaking Real Language
July 10, 2019 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

A man was kicked out of St. Robert Catholic Church’s Wednesday evening Charismatic Prayer group after he began to speak a real foreign language during a “prayer session.” Jonathan Spencer, 43, had recently begun attending the group’s weekly prayer meetings, but will not be returning anytime soon. “We were all together there in the room,” said Spencer. “Some people were jumping around, others were clicking and making all sorts of... Read More