Catholic Costume Stores Across Country Reveal Most Popular Halloween Costume Is Slutty Mark Shea
October 31, 2017 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

As time runs out to pick the perfect Halloween costume, costume stores across the country have confirmed that this year’s most popular Catholic costume is a slutty Mark Shea. Employees of Seattle’s Halloween Express are working overtime to keep the shelves stocked for last minute shoppers. “It’s been insane this year crazy,” Halloween Express owner Tom Weaver told EOTT. “Slut is in. Everything from slutty Marty Haugen... Read More
Following Mark Wahlberg’s lead, Kevin James asks God to forgive him for “Paul Blart: Mall Cop”
October 25, 2017 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

Just days after actor Mark Wahlberg statement that he regretted portraying a porn star in Boogie Nights, fellow Catholic actor Kevin James announced today that he hopes God wouldn’t hold the movie Paul Blart: Mall Cop against him. James told EOTT this afternoon that he hopes “that God is not a movie fan and also forgiving” because he says he’s made some “poor choices” over the years. Among those movies James listed were,... Read More
Brother Scores Hot Date With Sister To Homeschool Prom
October 24, 2017 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life

Nebraska homeschooler Jimmy White was overjoyed early Tuesday morning when his sister Jenna White accepted his proposal to go to homeschool prom with him. The homeschool senior told EOTT that he was nervous thinking about how embarrassed he would be if his sister rejected him. “I had butterflies all week,” Jimmy White told EOTT as he pointed at Jenna (who has an uncanny resemblance to her older brother) from across the room. “All I kept imagining... Read More
Prisoners Break Free From Lunch With Pope To Return To Prison

Image_Michael Coghlan Two prisoners in Bologna, Italy escaped during their lunch with Pope Francis yesterday, reportedly fleeing back to their jail cells after what they called a “harrowing experience.” The two inmates, who are serving time at a social reintegration facility in Castelfranco Emilia, told EOTT that, though the few bites of lasagna they ate before ditching the lunch were amazing, they just “couldn’t stomach” another minute... Read More
Knights of Columbus Changes Name to “Knights of Indigenous Peoples”

Two months after ditching their ostrich-plume chapeaus, the Knights of Columbus continue their rebranding efforts by announcing the organization shall be henceforth known as the “Knights of Indigenous Peoples.” “This change distances us from that conquistador Columbus,” said Eric Jenkins, Commander of Assembly #4251 and one of nearly two-dozen millennial members nationwide. “Everyone knows he was a racist.” “We’re not caving into... Read More