Rubio And Other Christian Birthers Demand To See Trump’s Baptismal Certificate

Image:Gage Skidmore Marco Rubio attacked Donald Trump on Wednesday, questioning his eligibility to speak as a Christian running for office by creating uncertainty about the GOP front-runner’s claim to be a follower of Christ . The senator retweeted an accusation claiming that “It’s a slam dunk case” that Donald Trump was ineligible to speak as though he were a Christian while running for president. “I don’t know. I really…I’ve never... Read More
Francis Urges Americans To Build Wall Around Trump

Image:Michael Vadon Pope Francis said Thursday that presidential candidate Donald Trump “is not Christian” if he calls for a wall between the United States and Mexico, and urged Americans to build a wall around the New York businessman. The Pope was traveling back to Rome from Mexico where he urged both the United States and Mexico to address the “Trump crisis” by coming together to build a wall around Trump to help keep citizens... Read More
Francis Declares Plane Interviews New Authoritative Form Of Magisterial Teaching

Pope Francis gave a press conference on his flight back to Rome Thursday, declaring that all interviews given aboard a plane would henceforth be declared infallible. “I , the Supreme Pontiff, intend to affirm that all statements made aboard this or any plane I am on will, from this day forward, be considered doctrine, which is to be held definitively for all the people of the Church,” Francis said after delivering a lengthy speech about how “absolutely... Read More
“Yeah, You’re Going To Hell,” SSPX Priest Tells 12-Year-Old Penitent
February 16, 2016 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads

Local Society of St. Pius X priest Father Marvin McDonald informed 12-year-old parishioner Timmy Seibel that he was, “without a doubt,” going to hell for hitting his sister, sources have confirmed. The news came as Seibel confessed his sin of smacking his sister square in the face for taking one of his toys, Timmy’s mother Angela Seibel told EOTT shortly after her son’s worthless confession. “At first glance, I admit, It does seem a bit excessive... Read More
Francis To Visit Kansas To Commemorate 26th Anniversary Of Pope Michael Election To Papacy

The Vatican has announced that Pope Francis will visit Kansas in July to commemorate the 26th anniversary of Pope Michael’s election to the papacy, just months before visiting Sweden to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. During the July 16th trip to Kansas, Francis will take part in a joint prayer service with the conclavist community, the Vatican reported earlier this week. Word of the visit to Kansas was reported Monday,... Read More