Pope Francis Sneaks Out Of Vatican At Night In Disguise To Help Poor, Fight Crime

VATICAN–A recent interview with the Papal Alomner Archbishop Konrad Krajewski this week confirmed recent speculations that Pope Francis joins him on his nightly trips into Rome to give alms to the poor. An inside source at the Vatican told EOTT that “Swiss guards confirmed that the pope has ventured out at night dressed as Batman to meet with homeless men and women, and to fight crime.” “The first time I told him I was going out... Read More
Fear Of Elderly Vatican Priests, Nuns Violently Storming U.S. Embassy Reason For Relocation, U.S. State Department Confirms

A security guard outside the U.S. Embassy to the Vatican checks for dangerous religious medals. ROME––The recent decision to close the current “free-standing” U.S. Embassy to the Holy See was made because of “growing fears of a Benghazi-like terrorost attack” led by 60 to 90-year-old zealot priests and nuns stationed in the Vatican, the U.S. State Department confirmed today. The decision has led to sharp criticism by Vatican... Read More