Pelosi On Virgin Sacrifices During Satanic Masses: “This Is Sacred Ground To Me As Well”

June 23, 2013 by  
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized


Washington, DC––Members of the pro-life movement have denounced House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi after remarks that she, as a Catholic, viewed the protection of the sacrifice of virgins during Black Masses as sacred ground. “As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this,” Pelosi said in a statement last week, going on to say that the subject of sacrificing the life of a worthy virgin pleasing to the Dark Lord as deeply personal to priests and priestesses performing the sacred ritual. Leading Catholics were quick to denounce Pelosi’s statements, including Thomas Peters of who called the remarks “deeply offensive.” But Magistra and High Priestess of the Church of Satan Peggy Nadramia disagrees with those criticizing Pelosi, recently telling reporters that followers of the Most Unholy Lord Satan had a right to do what they wished in their ceremonies. “It’s our ceremonies and no one can tell us what we can or cannot do in them.”

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