Nuns On Bus Scour Ohio In Search Of Misplaced Veils
March 9, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized

OHIO––A group of Catholic nuns began a 1,000 mile bus tour through Ohio this week asking locals whether or not they have seen their veils. The group of about 20 nuns departed Cincinnati early Wednesday morning after every single one of them realized that they had not seen their veils in over four decades. The youngest of the group, Sister Mary Fleischer, 79, told Eye of the Tiber that losing things had become all too familiar for the group lately,... Read More
Not Enough Banners In Churches Lately Biggest Problem Facing Catholic Church
March 7, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Parish Life, Uncategorized

Washington, D.C.–While the College of Cardinals meet to discuss the priorities of the Roman Catholic Church, and to select a new pope, a new survey shows that American Catholics see the diminishing number of banners inside their churches as the biggest problem facing the Catholic Church. A survey from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life asked U.S. Catholics to describe the problems facing the Church, and found that 47% thought the most important... Read More
Catholic School Children Offended By Dumbed Down Homily
March 5, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Mass, Uncategorized

El Centro, CA–Students at St. Therese of Carmel Acadamy walked out of Mass confounded earlier this morning after parish priest Fr. Ted Cordova delivered an over simplified homily about the Lord’s command to forgive “not seven but seventy-seven times.” “My mind’s still totally blown away with how stupid Fr. Ted thinks we are,” 8th grader Mary Brueland told Eye of the Tiber as she tried to make sense of the... Read More
New Study: Sedevacantists Feeling Our Pain…A Lot
March 4, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized

Oyster Bay Cove, NY–A new study out today by the Society of St. Pius V reveals that 85% of its members are currently feeling the pain of non-sedevacantist Catholics. The study, done at the Church of Saint Luke in Oyster Bay Cove, New York, asked 200 parishioners to rate how much of non-sedevacantist Catholics’ pain they felt in regards to the current Sede Vacante at the Vatican. “We asked them to rate their feelings on a scale... Read More
Mars Curiosity Rover Successfully Reaches Jesuit Seminary
March 2, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized

Berkeley, CA––NASA announced Tuesday that its 2.5 billion dollar Mars Curiosity Rover has successfully touched down in the Jesuit Seminary in Berkeley. For close to a decade, the Church and NASA alike have been fascinated with the possibility that the Jesuit seminary might at one time have contained the chemical resources and ingredients needed to support a religious community. The Rover has already begun to send back images to the NASA... Read More