[News From The Future] Martians Protest During Third Vatican Council
March 30, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Uncategorized, Vatican

Martians from the northern quadrant of sector 490-3t protesting. New Calcedonia, Mars––Thousands of New Calcedonian martians from the northern quadrant of sector 490-3t protested outside New St. Peter’s today as bishops began talks on a number of heated issues including inter-species marriage and receiving communion in the pinchers. “The faithful and bishops alike are hoping to cover all the core issues that the average Catholic martian... Read More
Pope Francis To Work Midnight Shift At McDonald’s to Help The Poor
March 27, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Uncategorized, Vatican

ROME––The new Holy Father, after paying his hotel bill the day of his election to “give an example to priests,” has decided to submit an application to work the midnight shift at the McDonald’s on Via Del Corso in order to “make a few extra clams” to give to the poor. “My children, as St. Paul reminded the Thessalonians: ‘For you remember our labor and toil, brethren; we worked night and day, that we might... Read More
Berkeley Sophomore Anxiously Considering Coming Out Of Closet To Reveal He’s Opposed To Gay Marriage
March 24, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

Berkley, CA–University of California, Berkeley student Emanuel Ramsey revealed to Eye of the Tiber today that he was extremely nervous about possibly coming out of the closet to friends and fellow classmates about his opposition to gay marriage. The 20-year-old sophomore reported that he always felt like something was different about himself, saying that he first felt the “burning desire” to stand up against gay marriage when he... Read More
New Archbishop of Canterbury Makes Compelling Case For Gay Marriage
March 21, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

ENGLAND–The Most Reverend Justin Welby was formally enthroned earlier today as the Anglican Church’s 105th Archbishop of Canterbury. The ceremony took place in the 900-year-old Canterbury Cathedral in southern England, where Welby told those in attendance that he hoped to usher the Anglican community toward a more “Christ-liberated courage” in regards to acceptance of all lifestyles. Dressed in a cope, stole, and ornate,... Read More
[Breaking] Biden Steps Down As VP Hours After Becoming Pro-Life
March 19, 2013 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized

Former Vice President Joe Biden attending Pope Francis’ Installation Mass. Washington, DC––Vice President Joe Biden announced today that he was stepping down as Vice President just hours after an altercation on the phone between Biden and President Obama regarding the sanctity of life. This comes on the heels of Biden’s visit with with Pope Francis after the conclusion of the pope’s Installation Mass, in which Biden could be heard... Read More