Christian Groups Protest to “Keep the Christ in X-Men”
December 1, 2012 by Admin
Filed under Politics, Uncategorized
Shelby, MI–Decrying the recent secularization of the comic book industry, Christian groups across the nation are joining forces to defend traditional values in the “War on X-Men.” “First the God-given charisms of the X-Men are explained by a bogus evolutionary theory of ‘mutation,’ now Christ is completely taken out of the picture,” said a spokesperson at a local demonstration in front of “Comics n’ Whatnot.” “The next thing you know, we won’t be able to send our kids to school wearing Wolverine t-shirts or be able to express our beliefs at all.” When asked why this was the issue being protested and not the more common phrase “Xmas,” the spokesman answered, “Well the X in Xmas comes from the Greek letter Chi, the first letter in Christos. Protesting that would just be silly.”