ICEL Calls For All-Meme Missal Translation For Youth Masses
Citing a need for the Church to “reach out to its estranged youth,” the International Commission on English in the Liturgy requested, and has already begun intensive work on, an all-meme edition of the Roman Missal.
Representatives from the Commission, unhappy with the new translation of the Missal, shared their concern that the Church is not “speaking the language of the people.”
“Young people are unable to relate to [the Missal’s] rigid, academic language” said a spokesperson for the group, “and so we are taking it upon ourselves to bring them closer to the richness of the Catholic Faith through the most modern meme-linguistic-format.”
Such meme-characters as “Bad Luck Brian,” “The Most Interesting Man in the World,” and “Skeptical Black Kid,” the new mouthpieces of the Roman Liturgy, would be projected on the bare walls of churches behind the altar, to allow for “full, active participation” of young people during the Sacred Rites.