Obama Invited To Say Mass At Notre Dame

October 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Libs & Trads, Uncategorized

Southbend, IN––Three years after Notre Dame invited Barack Obama to deliver the commencement speech to its graduating class, the university has now reportedly invited him to say Mass at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. “We’d like to let our students and their parents know that we would never compromise our faith tradition,” Notre Dame President, Reverend John Jenkins, said Friday, “It is a simple show of Christian unity.” But not all Catholics are in favor of the university’s decision to allow a pro-choice, non-Catholic to say Mass. Sophomore Alice Bell had some reservations about the decision, telling Eye of the Tiber that she and her friends would not be attending Mass for the next year or two in protest. No word yet on whether the democratic president intends to hear confessions prior to Mass.

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